And Just Like That

Spring has arrived seemingly overnight. It is a pleasure to find something new blooming every day Here are the first few to open. Above is a Tulip Magnolia.

Snowflake, Leucojum vernum


Snow Poppiy, Ecomecon chioatha

The Cramoisi Superieur rose came back quickly after all its flowers had frozen. My garden usually has many more blooms, but as I posted earlier, all the plants froze back. Every day more of my frozen babies are emerging from the ground. Hopefully, the garden will be full of blooms for the hummingbird migration.


A beautiful ending to a beautiful day.  A ray of sunlight hit the Tulip Magnolia, perfectly lighting the bloom.

Azalea Preview


One of my most viewed posts is Azaleas.  I can only take that to mean that gardeners really like looking at them, so I am doing several posts. Azaleas do well in my area and are planted in just about every yard.

More Azaleas are opening and this coming week should have them in full bloom. I am a little concerned about the heavy rain that is coming, but fingers crossed the Azaleas won’t be ruined

These two Azaleas are Judge Solomon and are supposed to be pink.  One is much more orange.  Luckily that one was planted in the back of a hedge of Azaleas.

The first Azalea is a much darker purple than the photo picked up and I have lost the name of it.  The next is an Encore Autumn Embers, which blooms several times a year and the last is a George Tabor.

The final photos are not Azaleas, but they are planted near by and compliment them.  The Tulip Magnolia is in full bloom (I love the star shape on the inside), as are the Loropetalums.

Azalea fans can click on the photos to make them larger.