And Just Like That

Spring has arrived seemingly overnight. It is a pleasure to find something new blooming every day Here are the first few to open. Above is a Tulip Magnolia.

Snowflake, Leucojum vernum


Snow Poppiy, Ecomecon chioatha

The Cramoisi Superieur rose came back quickly after all its flowers had frozen. My garden usually has many more blooms, but as I posted earlier, all the plants froze back. Every day more of my frozen babies are emerging from the ground. Hopefully, the garden will be full of blooms for the hummingbird migration.

At Last

At last, I am getting some blooms in the garden. The Azaleas and Bluebonnets are nearly a month late. These two are our iconic spring flowers.

The Snow Poppies, Eomecon Chionantha, have been reliable and are multiplying. I have enough now to move some to another bed and see how they do there.

The Nasturtiums were to be a fall display on my patio. They finally decided to bloom this spring.

These are the Dianthus I had planted for my cool weather annuals in front of the house. The blankity-blank deer kept coming into the yard and pulling them up. The plants survived but didn’t thrive. Finally, after staying in the soil for a few months they are growing and blooming.

Salvia coccinea is a reliable stable in the garden, but after being frozen back several times this winter only a few stems are currently blooming. The season has been out of sync this year. The bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds have arrived and hardly any flowers are blooming. Fortunately, the temperatures are rising, it rained a few times and the plants are starting to grow and set buds.

Identified – Snow Poppy

A great big thank you goes out to The Shrub Queen for identifying my poppy from the March 11th post.  It is a Snow Poppy, which makes a lot of sense as it is white and blooms at the end of winter.  Its proper name is Eomecon chionantha and its family is Papveraceae.

It is from zone 6-9 moist forests of eastern China, which is why it loves it in the moist forest of this part of Texas.

It comes up from rhizomes (maybe that why I was told it was a ground poppy) and can spread from seeds.  I believe mine are reseeding which explains why they come up here and there around the bed.

I am very excited to have this mystery straighten out by the amazing Shrub Queen.