
I love to grow plants. All kinds of plants and mostly one of each. I am the kind of gardener that will buy or start new plants even when I don’t have a spot for them. But I always find an empty piece of dirt to stick a plant into. I am a self-taught gardener and have done lots of experimenting. My home has a large lot and I instructed my landscaper that I wanted many beds. It was a good idea 12 years ago, but I soon learned it was an incredible amount of work. My new plan is to have an “automatic” garden that has perennials or reseeding annuals with something in bloom year-round. As I live in zone 8-9 it is possible most years. I live for volunteers!  I will post photos of currently blooming plants.
And now the Gluten Free part! I have to eat GF and wanted to make a recipe blog, but thought it would be too boring (gardening is so much more interesting). So I decided I would combine both. I found that most recipes that are specifically GF are not to my liking. I search for recipes that just happen to not have gluten in them and would like to share those recipes with others, especially the newly diagnosed.

12 Comments on “About”

  1. forestmtnhike says:

    Hello there! I am loving your blog. You have such beautiful pictures, and I appreciate you sharing on Gluten Free. I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts. Happy Holidays!

  2. Christina says:

    Many people in Italy now need gluten free diets which is hard when the major carbohydrate source is pasta and bread. Here I believe the problem is more about the additives in bread that make it rise faster and not actually the gluten at all, I’m suggesting that’s your problem but is a fact ignored by many. My theory is proved by people saying they can eat pasta but not bread!

    • It is true that if you are gluten intolerant, many more factors figure into the food including foods on FODMAP. We have heard that European wheat has less gluten than American. The good news is that the problem is getting lots of attention and the experts are working on it and maybe someday it will be clear what we need to do to feel better. My personal story started 23 years ago before any one here knew much about Celiac disease or gluten. After being ill for 9 years with digestive and respiratory issues and 17 doctors later, I read an article about gluten free and gave it a try. It was a miracle for me and no gluten will pass my lips again!
      I am glad I found your blog. It is interesting to see gardeners around the world.

      • Christina says:

        It is true that European flour is lower in gluten, to make good bread, I buy Manitoba flour and use a fifty/fifty mix for most kinds of bread.

  3. Hi! Saw you stopped by so I had to check out your garden. I see that you love the self-seeding plants, Thought I’d share a post on the Fine Gardening Photo of the Day blog featuring my self-seeded gardens! Bonnie


    Also the corresponding WordPress


  4. gaiainaction says:

    Dear automatic gardener 🙂 I appreciate very much your interest in my blog, and i must admit that until right now I have not taken the time to explore your blog thoroughly, and what a nice surprise! I just love your photos and your subject matter. How nice, I shall keep a closer look at your postings.
    Kind regards

  5. janesmudgeegarden says:

    Hello, I just found your blog. My gardening practices are similar to yours. I usually buy one plant and I’m delighted when I can propagate from it. I also have quite a big garden (in Australia). I’m enjoying reading your posts.

  6. Debbie Lorson says:

    I just found your blog today. Love all the great pictures of flowers, birds, and insects. I too garden and I live in Missouri. Its been a hard winter and I’m hoping many plants are going to make it.

  7. ruthsoaper says:

    I just came across your blog and as a passionate gardener am looking forward to reading more of your posts.

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