
The Blood Lilies are blooming. I just can’t get over how well they do in the garden. They are planted in my wettest bed with the gingers in good old gumbo soil. Click here to learn more about Blood Lilies.

The Blood Lilies flowers are bigger than my hand.

I just had to take more photos of the Rain Lilies. All of these came up on their own outside of the original bed.

With the second round of rain, even more came up.

This one would not let a leaf stop it and pierced its way through the leaf.

19 Comments on “Lilies”

  1. Cathy says:

    I was so surprised when I saw your hand next to the blood lilies and realized just how big they are! (They remind me of the big Allium flowers I grow which are purple.) They are really lovely! And your rain lilies too. If they grew in our climate they would be flowering like mad as we have had so much rain too.

  2. shoreacres says:

    That last photo’s a gem. The amount of force employed by growing plants is usually invisible, but things like that make it clear. When I see something like that, I always think of the line from Dylan Thomas’s poem: “the force that through the green fuse drives the flower…”

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen blood lilies growing. They must be primarily a garden flower. They certainly are pretty; they remind me of fireworks.

    • I am always amazed at plants growing through cracks or on the side of a rocky mountain. The Blood Lilies are from Africa. I got one at a plant sale and somehow when I was volunteering at Mercer someone was selling more. The best part is that they multiplied.

  3. Wow! I would have never known that those were lilies.

  4. Eliza Waters says:

    Wow, your hand gives the blood lily surprising scale, they are big! Lovely rain lilies, too.

  5. I love the rain lilies! I think Blood lilies will grow here as well. I think they are pretty toxic and varmints might not eat them??

  6. pbmgarden says:

    Wow, so huge. I went to the link your provided. Great sequence. I have rain lilies that need planting. Have not grown them before

  7. Quippery says:

    Blood Lilies look much like the Alliums I grow in Alberta!

  8. Thank you for sharing these beautiful flowers and for allowing me to learn something new because I was not familiar with either of these plants.

  9. Tracy says:

    2nd attempt *I am a fan of the blood lilies – glad you’re still here, lol. I’ve had mine disappear on me, are they short lived for you?

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