
In my post Plant Shopping in My Yard, one of the volunteers I was transplanting was Pentas. I usually wait until the first two big leaves grow before transplanting them.

One reader commented on my good job identifying the young plants. I dug this plant with its first two leaves and planted it with another penta. As the days passed, it grew at rocket speed. Hmmm. I thought maybe the penta had reverted back to its heirloom form that grows 3 to 5 feet tall. Before long buds appeared and the plant revealed itself to be a Lantana. Whoops!

If I had looked closely I would have seen the leaves are slightly different. The Penta leaves are smooth and the Lantana leaves are serrated. To add to this mystery, I do not grow Lantana and wasn’t expecting to see it in my yard. I found the Lantana’s brothers and sisters one house down on the other side of the street. Now I have one more plant to move to a new location.

15 Comments on “Whoops”

  1. dataentrygw says:

    Lantana even grows up north.

  2. Cathy says:

    Oh, but it is lovely! I suppose it does stick out a bit, but I would probably leave it there and pretend it was intentional! 😆 LOL!

  3. Whether or not you ask, ye shall receive.

  4. Tina says:

    There’s nothing wrong with having two great plants! Except for moving them to the right spot…

  5. I did not know Pentas would reseed? Lantana is feared here for that reason. Believe it or not, I cannot grow New Gold Lantana, which blows my mind.

  6. Eliza Waters says:

    What a surprise! The butterflies won’t mind, however. 😉

  7. shoreacres says:

    It took me forever to learn that we have both a native and non-native Lantana. The native’s my favorite: all red and yellow and orange. I’d bet on a birdie dropping a seed in your yard; I’ve seen them plucking the ripened fruit.

  8. Quippery says:

    Lantana is a go to plant at our place in Arizona. It is a fast grower! We cut it way back after the few days we get of frost.

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