Acorn Mast Aftermath

I had a post about the oak trees having an acorn mast. I was correct in predicting I would be pulling up many young oak trees. The squirrels have been very helpful burying them in the garden beds and lawn. I have replanted a few and I let the ones growing in appropriate areas alone. Time will tell if any grow into a mighty oak tree.

Squirrel Apocalypse or Helpful Pruning

The oak tree planted twenty years ago has been prolific this fall in producing acorns. I am not the only one that noticed. The squirrels have been gathering acorns for weeks.

I can put up with the squirrels taking the acorns and digging holes all over my yard and garden beds, but to get the acorns they have been cutting off branches and covering the bed under the tree and front yard with them. I am not sure if all of this pruning will be helpful to my oak tree.