Turtle Burmation

While working on my rose bush I noticed a muddy rock. Not remembering why I put it there I went to check it out.

The rock was a box turtle that may be coming out of brumation or hibernation.

Maybe not happy that I disturbed it, the turtle moved a couple of feet to a sunny location.

As the day ended I found the sleepy turtle had crawled back under the pine needles for the night.

The weather was nice enough to fire up the grill for supper. As the cover was removed I found another sleepy creature. Of course, the little tree frog had to be removed to a safe location. The weather is warming this week, the days are lengthening and insects are hatching it’s time for my garden friends to come out of their winter sleep.

15 Comments on “Turtle Burmation”

  1. Tina says:

    Nice to see the critters waking up!

  2. Eliza Waters says:

    Sweet to see garden friends again!

  3. tracyrinella says:

    What! A darling turtle, I’d love to find one nesting. Glad he (and you) got to enjoy some sunshine. tzgarden.blogspot.com

  4. Brumation? this is a new word to me. I have seen our resident box turtle for the first time in recent memory. I guess they are cold blooded and slow down with the winter?

    • The article I read said even in warmer areas like here, they still brumate as the length of day and their DNA dictate it. There are probably “fewer” bugs in the winter and less to eat. Anyway, the turtle is fully awake and left the roses yesterday and I spotted it across the yard today.

  5. Isn’t it amazing how Mother Nature can color creatures to blend in to the terrain? I’m impressed.

    • I’m very proud of myself this morning. As I was catching up on email and blogs at my kitchen table, I saw some leaves moving across the yard near the bird feeder. The movement didn’t seem to have the energy of a bird and sure enough it was the turtle. It is wide awake after spending several days under the roses.

  6. shoreacres says:

    I saw a couple of snakes in the middle of the road at Brazoria last weekend, and one big granddaddy gator just lazing around in the middle of the slough. I’ve not seen any turtles yet, but it shouldn’t be long. It’s time to put the turtle rescue box and towels in the car for those times I find an injured one on the road.

  7. Cathy says:

    A sure sign of Spring! Must be nice to see turtles in the garden.

  8. Ann Coleman says:

    I’ve always liked box turtles! How fun!

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