Heading On Up

This Tree Frog is just so cute that I had to do another post about it. I caught it hanging on to a plant in my chiminea.

I believe it is a Cope’s Gray Frog although it could be a Gray Frog as they are both very similar. The Tree Frog can be found from Virginia to Eastern Texas and lives in woodlands.

I kept an eye on the Tree Frog and was able to photograph it making its way up the vine to the top of the pot.

The next time I went to look for it the little frog was hanging onto the brick wall.

The frog finally made it to the lower roof went on its way and disappeared.

14 Comments on “Heading On Up”

  1. Cathy says:

    As far as I know we don’t have climbing frogs in this part of the world, so fun to see him making his way upwards!

  2. dataentrygw says:

    Very active frog.

  3. shoreacres says:

    What a cutie. I also was struck by the amount of effort it must take these critters to do such extensive traveling. Of course, they’re built for it, but still…

    And of course, given your title, I’ll be hearing the theme song of <i>The Jeffersons</i> — “Movin’ On Up” — for the rest of the day.

  4. I have tree frogs in the fireplace vent . They climbed and live there. Great pictures.

  5. tracyrinella says:

    Your frog is adorable, look at that pattern on his back! tzgarden.blogspot.com

  6. Eliza Waters says:

    What a cutie! 😊

  7. Deb says:

    Mr. Frog is so cute! Fun watching him climb up through the photos.

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