Potpourri of Garden Flowers

The Butterfly Weed was visited by a Monarch Butterfly. The plant hosts Monarch caterpillars, but I haven’t found any yet.

The Wild Ageratum that planted itself in one of my garden beds is doing well as usual.

The Balsam Impatiens have been coming up in the same bed for years. The original seeds were purchased at George Washington’s Mt. Vernon.

A big surprise for this time of the year was a single flower on the Confederate Rose. I photographed it throughout the day.

This White Angel Ginger has lived in the back garden in East Texas gumbo for years. It even reproduced.

The Automatic Garden has done a great job keeping the beds full each year.

And I had another turtle visit, although they are probably always around and I just don’t see them.

I just heard some information on a podcast that is new to me. Box turtles are sentinels of a healthy forest ecosystem. Knowing my little woods are healthy enough for turtles is nice. I keep all the leaf litter and small sticks to hold moisture and slowly decay to feed the trees and to encourage insects to live under the leaves.

Before I posted, I found this turtle in the driveway feet away from my husband pulling the car out of the garage. The turtle seemed to be a bit shaken up being so close to the moving vehicle. This turtle is my old pal with a dark hole on its side. I moved it to a safe place in my woods.

29 Comments on “Potpourri of Garden Flowers”

  1. dataentrygw says:

    Turtle and butterflies go together with great blooming flowers.

  2. Whew, glad everybody survived the car encounter.

  3. Great summer potpourri. Tropical milkweed has become a political football here, so I gave up on it. The native milkweeds croaked. Sigh. I love those Balsam Impatiens but you need to send me some gumbo! Wonderful to hear turtles are a good indicator, I see them frequently.

  4. Eliza Waters says:

    I love your turtle friends and I’m glad this little one escaped the giant rolling machine– whew!
    Pretty cool that you have self-seeding annuals that date back to George Washington. 🙂

  5. Tina says:

    You saved a turtle! Yay for you! (and the turtle…) You do have a nice array of blooms; I guess all that rain you’ve had made some plants bloomin’ happy!

  6. shoreacres says:

    All of the flowers are pretty, but the Balsam Impatiens really caught my eye. I don’t think I’ve seen those before. What are the purple ‘thingies’ on the White Angel Ginger? Is that a usual part of the plant? It’s quite a contrast.

    I’m glad you spotted the turtle before any damage (or worse) was done!

    • The little purple things are flowers on the ginger. Didn’t get a real clear shot, but if you enlarge it, check the one on the right. How has the rain been for you? So far we just got a sprinkler cycle worth of rain.

      • shoreacres says:

        Rain? What rain? I’ve been able to work today with no problem, and the skies are blue. It is breezy, and I’ve seen a few showers on radar, but not a drop here.

      • The news really gets all excited. They lowered both lakes, so there should not be problems here. Last storm they did not lower Conroe and that caused some of the flooding.

  7. Beautiful flowers and handsome visitors. I noticed my Butterfly Weed has buds today. I have never seen White Angel Ginger so thank you for sharing.

  8. tonytomeo says:

    Ah, ‘White Angel’ ginger is a cultivar of turmeric! I had to look it up real quick, of course. I am growing turmeric for the first time this year, but because I did not do any research into the cultivar that I acquired, I do not know if the bloom will be white or pink. I hope it blooms white, but will not mind if it is pink.

  9. pbmgarden says:

    Beautiful post, Judy. I love the Balsam Impatiens. Especially nice they return each year.

  10. Ann Coleman says:

    Good for you for saving the turtle!

  11. Cathy says:

    Lucky your turtle didn’t get hurt! Your garden has lots of interest and the woods must be full of creatures that never show themselves. I always like seeing your confederate rose. 😃

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